They are mounted to the bottom of the fuel rail as shown in the following image. Remove the engine cover from the vehicle. Remove the two 10mm bolts securing the left engine cover to the fuel rail.Remove the microfilter housing from the vehicle. Pull the battery cable guide free from the front of the microfilter housing.Remove the four T30 torx screws securing the microfilter housing to the body of the vehicle.It is held in place with three thumb screws. Begin by removing the microfilter (cabin air filter) cover.Attempting work on your engine's electrical system without disconnecting the battery can cause catastrophic damage to sensitive electronics. Before starting this repair you must disconnect the negative terminal from your battery.The microfilter housing will need to be removed in order to access the fuel injectors. Section 1 - Preparing for the BMW E46 Fuel Injector Replacement As discussed above, the fuel injectors in the BMW E46 3 series are located on the top of the intake manifold underneath the fuel rail.